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Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây


 Kim Âu




Vào ngày 17/10/2010 vừa qua, một người em ở bên quận Cam email cho tôi để hỏi về vấn đề của bà Loretta Sanchez và HR 3336 (sai). Đọc qua email, chúng tôi biết ngay có dính dáng đến vấn đề tranh cử giữa bà Loretta Sanchez và Trần Thái Văn. Tất nhiên, tôi hiểu sẽ có nhiều đ̣n phép được sử dụng nhưng bất kỳ một sự tấn công nào nhắm vào bà Loretta Sanchez để bôi nhọ lịch sử của Vietnamese Commandos, biến chúng tôi thành những kẻ không biết ơn nghĩa, chắc chắn chúng tôi sẽ lên tiếng.

Ông Trần Thái Văn và Ban Tranh Cử của ông nên ngưng ngay mưu toan tấn công bà Loretta Sanchez qua Đạo Luật Bồi Thường & Vinh Danh Vietnamese Commandos. Ngay tại quận Cam, khi cựu tổng thống Bill Clinton đến vận động cho bà Sanchez, những anh em Biệt Kích tại địa phương đă tham dự ủng hộ bà Sanchez để đáp lại t́nh nghĩa của bà đối với "Những người lính một thời bị lăng quên".

Chúng tôi  Gia Đ́nh Biệt Kích ở tận Atlanta, Georgia hoàn ṭan đồng t́nh với Gia Đ́nh Biệt Kích ở Santa Anna. Và chắc chắn tất cả những người trong lực lượng này trên toàn Hoa Kỳ cũng đều chung một cảm nghĩ như vậy. Những vị nào thuộc đảng Cộng Ḥa vận động cho Trần Thái Văn nên cố gắng t́m mục tiêu khác.

Anh em chúng tôi vẫn c̣n sống trên nước Mỹ, bản thân tôi Hà văn Sơn (Kim Âu) là người vào điều trần trước Uỷ Ban T́nh Báo Thượng Viện Hoa Kỳ xác nhận bà Lorettra Sanchez là một nữ dân biểu Hạ Viện đă có những hành xử để lực lượng Vietnamese Commandos quư trọng và tri ân cũng như ông cựu dân biểu Bob Dornan. Trong email trả lời cho người em chúng tôi có nói rơ: "Bob Dornan là dân biểu hạ viện mà anh gặp ông ấy để vận động từ cuối năm 1995. Anh có hai tấm h́nh chụp với ông ấy nay t́m không ra. Có một tấm h́nh chụp khi ông ấy trao plaque vinh danh, hai tháng sau ngày điều trần.Chính ông ấy là người đưa dự luật Vietnamese Commandos ra hạ viện.


Congressional Record

104th Congress (1995-1996)



PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS (House of Representatives - June 18, 1996)




H.R. 3668. A bill to require the Secretary of Defense to provide back pay to the Vietnamese commandos who were employed by the United States during the Vietnam conflict to conduct covert operations in North Vietnam so as to compensate the commandos for the years in which they were imprisoned and persecuted in Vietnam; to the Committee on National Security.




http://www.archive.org/details/vietnamesecomman00unit  (Văn Bản Về Cuộc Điều Trần)


Phần Thượng Viện do hai ông John Kerry và John MC Cain. Khi điều trần xong là Dự Luật thông qua ngay ngày 19-6-1996, lúc đó vẫn là Bob Dornan. Bà Sanchez nhờ thắng cử hạ được ông Dornan nên bà tiếp tục phần sau, khi Bộ Quốc Pḥng tŕ hoăn v́ chưa có ngân sách. Bà Sanchez cũng có công và có ḷng giúp đỡ giải quyết. Chúng ta không nên phủ nhận công lao của bà ấy. Theo anh th́ bà ta làm việc có lợi cho cộng đồng Việt Nam hơn



KERRY (AND MCCAIN) AMENDMENT NO. 4451 (Senate - July 11, 1996)



[Page: S7784]  GPO's PDF(Ordered to lie on the table.)


Mr. KERRY (for himself and Mr. McCain) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by them to the bill, S. 1894, supra; as follows:


On page 88, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following:


Sec. 8099. Of the total amount appropriated under title II, $20,000,000 shall be available subject to authorization, until expended, for payments to Vietnamese commandos captured and incarcerated by North Vietnam after having entered the Democratic Republic of Vietnam pursuant to operations under a Vietnam era operation plan known as `OPLAN 34A', or its predecessor, and to Vietnamese operatives captured and incarcerated by North Vietnamese forces while participating in operations in Laos or along the Lao-Vietnamese border pursuant to `OPLAN 35', who died in captivity or who remained in captivity after 1973, and who have not received payment from the United States for the period spent in captivity.







(House of Representatives - May 21, 1998)

[Page: H3733]  GPO's PDF

(Ms. SANCHEZ asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.) 

Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, 2 weeks ago the House Committee on National Security unanimously approved my amendment to honor and recognize the former South Vietnamese army commandos who were employees of the United States Government during the Vietnam War. 

Today, the Members of this House had the opportunity to properly honor those brave men by supporting the Department of Defense authorization bill for fiscal year 1999. 

Last year, the President signed into law legislation that I advocated to ensure that the United States Government honor a 30-year-old bad debt and pay these men who worked for the United States Government the wages they earned but were denied during the Vietnam War. 

These individuals were trained by the Pentagon to infiltrate and destabilize communist North Vietnam.

Many of these commandos were captured and tortured while in prison for 15 to 20 years, and many never made it out.

Declassified DOD documents showed that U.S. officials wrote off the commandos as dead even though they knew from various sources that many were alive in Vietnamese prisons.

The documents also show that U.S. officials lied to the soldiers' wives, paid them tiny `Death Gratuities' and washed their hands of the matter.

For example, Mr. Ha Van Son was listed as dead by our Government in 1967, although he was known to be in a communist prison in North Vietnam. Today he is very much alive and well and living in Chamblee, GA. In my hand I hold the United States Government's official declaration of his death.

Because it was a secret covert operation, the U.S. Government thought they could easily ignore the commandos, their families, friends, and their previous contacts without anyone noticing.

As the Senior Senator from Pennsylvania said in a recent hearing, `This is a genuinely incredible story of callous, inhumane, and really barbaric treatment by the United States.'

In the 104th Congress, this House approved legislation that required the Department of Defense to pay reparations to the commandos.

This bill would have provided $20 million to the commandos and their survivors, an average grant of about $40,000 per commando. It called them to be paid $2,000 a year for every year they were in prison, less than the wages they were due.

President Clinton signed this legislation into law (Public Law 104-201).


However, in April of 1997, the Department of Defense said that the statute was legislatively flawed and the Secretary could not legally make payments.

I then contacted Secretary Cohen requesting the administration's help to correct this error.

The administration responded by supporting inclusion of the funding in the Supplemental Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 1997 (Public Law 105-18)

Last year, I met at a public forum with 40 commandos from my district.

One individual shared with me his story of how he parachuted into enemy territory, was captured, convicted of treason, beaten, thrown into solitary confinement for 11 months, then moved among hard--labor camps for the next seven years.

His story is not unlike countless others. I request unanimous consent to insert into the record one story of this abuse headlined `Uncommon Betrayal' as reported by an Atlantia newspaper recently.

Today, however, I am pleased to provide this Body with this update.

To date, the Commando Compensation Board has been established at the Pentagon; 266 claims have been processed; 142 Commandos have been paid.

All this was made possible because of the commitment of this House.

After years of torture by the North Vietnamese, the callousness of being declared dead by the United States Government, and years of anguish over not receiving their rightful compensation--these brave men now deserve recognition.

The South Vietnamese Lost Army Commandos are finally a step closer to having the United States Government honor their contracts for their years of service to the United States Army.

I am proud that the members of the House had an opportunity to properly honor these brave men

We can not bring those who perished back, but we can give these individuals the dignity and respect that's been so long overdue.

Who supports this resolution?

The State of California American Legion strongly endorses this amendment and I would like to submit the letter from the Department Commander Frank Larson into the Record.

In Commander Larson's letter dated May 1, 1998, he states, `Ms. Sanchez: I'm sure if history were unfolded for all to see it would show that the South Vietnamese commandos, who aided the United States Government in covert actions against the North Vietnamese, were responsible for saving many American lives.'

It goes on to say: `To that end, the same recognition due our soldiers, sailors, marines and airman involved in the Vietnamese Conflict should be afforded to the former South Vietnamese commandos, who so gallantly served and endured.'

It is also supported by: The Air Commando Organization; The Special Forces Organization.

American veterans who fought side by side with the Commandos, come to their defense in letters of support.


I would like to share with you what our soldiers have to say about the commandos.

This letter comes from a special forces NCO:

`Dear Sir: I had the opportunity to work with these men in which they not only risked their lives, but continually put themselves in harms way. * * * We are aware of terrible trials and conditions these men endured for so long and we would like to help * * *'

I would also like to take this opportunity to mention that last year, during POW/MIA recognition day, I had the opportunity to meet with several members of my veteran community.

I had the opportunity to speak with former POWs and family members whose loved ones were taken as prisoners or declared missing in action. Several of the veterans mentioned their support for the Commandos and urged that the Government honor its word.

Today, we gave these commandos what they really wanted, the distinction of honoring their service in the Vietnam War. And on behalf of the 40 commandos residing in the 46th Congressional District of California, I would like to thank the Members of this body for their commitment to honor and to recognize the former South Vietnamese army commandos. 

Mr. Speaker, I submit for the Record a series of documents relating to these former South Vietnamese commandos. 

[Page: H3734]  GPO's PDF











The 1997 Defense Authorization Act authorized the Secretary of Defense to compensate Vietnamese operatives who participated in specific missions (described below) during the Vietnam War. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management Policy) appointed a Commission to adjudicate the individual claims of the commandos, and tasked the Army to provide a voting member for the Commission, establish a Commission Support Staff to process and pay claims determined valid by the Commission, and to provide a Staff Director. The Secretary of the Army tasked this mission to the Deputy Under Secretary of the Army (International Affairs)(DUSA-IA). The Support Staff is a Field Operating Agency of the Army Secretariat, and reports to the Military Deputy to the DUSA-IA. The DUSA-IA is the DoD Executive Agent for providing direct support to the Commission.





1. H.CON.RES.269 : Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the heroism, sacrifice, and service of former South Vietnamese commandos in connection with United States armed forces during the Vietnam conflict.

Sponsor: Rep Sanchez, Loretta [CA-46] (introduced 4/30/1998)      Cosponsors (None)

Committees: House National Security

Latest Major Action: 6/10/1998 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.



2. H.RES.316 : Recognizing and honoring former South Vietnamese commandos for their heroism, sacrifice, and service during the Vietnam conflict.

Sponsor: Rep Sanchez, Loretta [CA-46] (introduced 11/8/1997)      Cosponsors (None)

Committees: House International Relations

Latest Major Action: 11/20/1997 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.


Quư vị có thể t́m đọc những tài liệu lịch sử này qua các links dưới đây:




Tóm lại những luận điệu bôi nhọ bà Loretta Sanchez  nếu có là hoàn ṭan sai trái, gỉa dối, bóp méo lịch sử và vô h́nh chung đă xúc phạm đến sự quư trọng và tri ân của người trong cuộc. "Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây". Đối với chúng tôi "Kẻ gieo hạt và Người vun trồng" đều đáng được tri ân.


Gia Đ́nh Biệt Kích tri ân và ủng hộ bà LorettaSanchez




Kim Âu



Tặng Kim Âu

Chính khí hạo nhiên! Tổ Quốc t́nh.
Nghĩa trung can đảm, cái thiên thanh.
Văn phong thảo phạt, quần hùng phục.
Sơn đỉnh vân phi, vạn lư tŕnh.

Thảo Đường Cư Sĩ.






Vietnamese commandos : hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence

of the United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session ...

Wednesday, June 19, 1996








BẮT ĐẦU TỪ PHÚT 4:22:12 - 4:52:10  (13.20 - 13.50)


Liên lạc trang chủ

E Mail: kimau48@yahoo.com, kimau48@gmail.com

Cell: 404-593-4036


Những người lính một thời bị lăng quên: Viết Lại Lịch Sử























֎ Binh Thư Yếu Lược Trần Quốc Tuấn  ֎ Một Trang Lịch Sử

֎ Vietnamese Commandos' History ֎ Vietnamese Commandos vs US Government ֎ Lost Army Commandos

֎ Bill of Compensation ֎ Never forget ֎ Viết Lại Lịch Sử  Video ֎ Secret Army Secret War Video

֎ Đứng Đầu Ngọn Gió Video ֎ Con Người Bất Khuất Video ֎ Dấu Chân Biệt Kích Video ֎ Kiểm Lại Hồ Sơ Biệt Kích Video

֎ The Secret war against Hanoi Richard H. Shultz Jr.֎ Gulf of Tonkin Incident ֎ Pentagon Bạch Hóa ֎ The heart of a boy

֎ U.S Debt Clock ֎ Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution Antony C. Sutton

֎ Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler Antony C. Sutton ֎ None Dare Call It Conspiracy Gary Allen

֎ Chiến Tranh Tiền Tệ (Currency War) ֎ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man John Perkins

֎ The World Order Eustace Mullin ֎ Trăm Việt trên vùng định mệnh ֎ Chính Đề Việt Nam Tùng Phong (dịch)

֎ OSS vào Việt Nam 1945 Dixee R. Bartholomew - Feis ֎ Lyndon Baines Johnson Library Musuem

֎ Chủ Nghĩa Dân Tộc Sinh Tồn ֎ Nguồn Gốc Dân Tộc Việt Nam B́nh Nguyên Lộc

֎ Nghi Thức Ngoại Giao ֎ Lễ Nghi Quân Cách ֎ Sắc lệnh Cờ Vàng ֎ Quốc Tế Cộng Sản

֎ How Does a Bill Become Law?֎ New World Order ֎ Diplomacy Protocol. PDF

֎ The World Order Eustace Mullin ֎ Why Vietnam? Archimedes L. A. Patti

֎ Vietnam War Document ֎ American Policy in Vietnam

֎ Foreign Relations Vietnam Volum-1 ֎ The Pentagon Papers ֎ Pentagon Papers Archives

֎ Vietnam and Southeast Asia Doc ֎ Vietnam War Bibliogaphy ֎ Công Ước LHQ về Luật Biển

֎ CIA and NGOs ֎ CIA And The Generals ֎ CIA And The House Of Ngo ֎ Global Slavery

֎ Politics of Southeast Asia ֎ Bên Gịng Lịch Sử

֎ Dấu Binh Lửa ֎ Đại Hội Toàn Quân? Phùng Ngọc Sa

֎ Bách Việt  ֎ Lược Sử Thích Ca  ֎ Chủ thuyết Dân Tộc Sinh Tồn

֎ Silenced! The Unsolved Murders of Immigrant Journalists in the USA. Juan Gonzales

֎ Society of Professional Journalists: Code of Ethics download

֎ Douglas Mac Arthur 1962 ֎ Douglas Mac Arthur 1951 ֎ John Hanson, President of the Continental Congress

֎ Phương Pháp Biện Luận ֎ Build your knowledge

֎ To be good writer ֎ Ca Dao -Tục Ngữ ֎ Chùa Bái Đính ֎ Hán Việt

֎ Top 10 Crime Rates  ֎ Lever Act ֎ Espionage Act 1917 ֎ Indochina War ֎ Postdam ֎ Selective Service Act

֎ War Labor Board ֎ War of Industries ֎ War Production Board ֎ WWII Weapon ֎ Supply Enemy ֎ Wold War II ֎ OSS

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֎ An Sinh Xă Hội - Cách T́m IP Email ֎ Public Holiday ֎ Funny National Days

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֎ Rally protest ֎ Sơ Lược VềThuyền Nhân ֎ The Vietnamese Population in USA ֎ Lam vs Ngo

֎ VietUni ֎ Funny National Days  ֎ 1DayNotes 


Liên lạc trang chủ

E Mail: kimau48@yahoo.com, kimau48@gmail.com

Cell: 404-593-4036


















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